About Us
Welcome to ReachOUT Consulting.
As the Founder and Principal Trainer, I am so glad you found us and are seeking out information about how to create a more LGBTQ+ friendly work environment. This is an issue that can make or break a company that is trying to keep up with the global environment we all operate in.
I founded Reach Out after many personal workplace experiences that shaped my perspective on how workplaces can not only create inclusive and safe environments for employees, but for customers and forward-facing interactions with other companies. As a licensed clinical social worker and clinical supervisor for nonprofit social services agency with a master’s degree in social work, it has been my experience that a workplace can be significantly enriched by policies and trainings that help everyone interact with sensitivity and equity.
Specifically, the need for Reach Out became clear to me after a conversation with a teacher friend in 2019. This teacher shared that he is now mandated by the state to teach LGBTQ+ content, but he felt ill-prepared. He shared that he considers himself an ally of the community but recognizes that he has a lot to learn before he can adequately teach about this community. Addressing this need for greater education is something all organizations can do better at. Our promise to you is that we will always be working to develop new tools, strategies, and educational opportunities that will be responsive to changing culture, shifting norms, and updated language.
Looking forward to the journey toward inclusivity together,
Summer Davidson Gomez,
Founder of Reach OUT Consulting LLC